There are four HUGE CD release shows coming up in October around Providence. So monumental in fact, a mere mention in Tunes Around Town would not do them justice.
The Candace Brooks Band will release “The Chase” at Club Hell 73 Richmond Street, Providence Rhode Island, on Friday October 9th. This all ages FREE show features Death by Fame opening and Senior Discount co-headlining. Forewarning, at Club Hell, doors at 8pm usually means the first band hits the stage at 8:01, so get there early, with no cover, its bound to fill up quick. So you think you have next Friday planned? Wait, there’s more, what would life be without choices!
Monty Are I‘s “Break Through the Silence” may have been released September 22nd, but its not official until there’s a home town party! They will be gracing the stage at Lupo’s, 73 Washington Street, Providence, Rhode Island also on Friday October 9th, with The Coming Weak, Light’s Resolve, These Green Eyes and The Intel. Hometown shows for these nationally touring gents are few and far between so get your tickets early, $10 in advance, $15 at the door, if any remain. To wet your whistle, M.A.I. has begun to release a fantastic serialized “Making Of” series:
The following Friday, October 16th, one of my personal favorites, The Brew, is hosting Fan Appreciation Night at The Paradise Rock Club, 967 Comm Ave, Boston. The Heavy Pets will be opening this stellar night of music. Highlights of the night will include 3 sets from The Brew, results from the Design-a-Brew T-shirt contest will be announced, a special VIP section for the longest traveling fans, and qualifying them for this post an EXCLUSIVE “Look Mom, No Hands” CD, featuring a preview track from their upcoming studio release.
The next night, Saturday October 17th, Baylock will be releasing their highly anticipated debut album “One Good to be Told.” Accompanied by Zulu Lulu, Kenjamin Christ, and Barricade at Jerky’s, 71 Richmond Street, Providence, cover charge is $8 at the door, when they open at 9pm, music will start at 10pm for this 18+ show. The Merch Table doesn’t take American Express, so bring your cash. Then, October 23rd, Baylock brings the CD release party train to Harper’s Ferry, 158 Brighton Ave, Allston with The Pat McGee Band Check out their promo video, it highlights their CD release parties in both Providence and Boston:
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