Not the Spider
Sully and Josh had a great discussion of the scene this week with mentions of Creation Tuesday with Psychedelic Clown Car; The Hornitz and Jeff Bujak; and Psylab and Nights Without Television. The gents welcome Daddie Long Legs to the studio for a lengthy interview, as well as a performance of four songs for The Green Room. The guys wrap up discussing a number of upcoming Tunes Around Town.
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Approximate run time: 58 minutes
NICE discussion! LOVE MY FRIENDS of Daddy Long Legs!! Dave & Adam are fabulous!!!!!! Thanks so much for having them perform at The Spot! BEAUtiful. Happy Thanksgiving! We have much to be thankful for! Personally Grateful to be a dancing lunatic, which I fondly describe as ‘Hippie Breakdancing’. LMAO, PEACE