A Diamond and a Sister
Sully and Josh had a great discussion of the scene this week with mentions of The Motif Music Awards; Drop Out Night; Creation Tuesday; Daniel Chase, Dennis Emsley, Morgan Boutin and Kris Hansen; Jamm Jazz; Jon Tierney, Torn Shorts and Dennis Emsley’s Hiding Behind Youth; Spogga and Otis Grove; as well as Haze and Hardig Rhode. The gents welcome Diamond Dan White to the studio for a lengthy, unique interview followed by a performance of “Colored Rag,” “Marie, and “Bagdad”. Next, Vudu Sister visits the studio for an interview and plays three songs for the Green Room as well, including “Psalms,” “The Quiet Man,” and “Underground”. The guys wrap up discussing a number of upcoming Tunes Around Town and a quick mention of next week’s guest.
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Approximate run time: 1 hour and 29 minutes