Nicole and I at her sister, D's 30th B-day BBQ (photo: Bud Blake)
As the summer has been heating up, both literally and figuratively, so has the local music scene. In addition to my normal responsibilities I’ve had a ton of family events, BBQs and shows to attend, cutting down on my writing time. I’ve also spent the better part of two weeks working on back-end type changes for Sully’s Cafe, types of things that you, as the reader, may not notice, but these changes will hopefully make my life easier going forward. There is, however, one major change and update you folks should enjoy, check the Shows Tab, and upcoming events calendar, I’ve tried filling them out as much as possible with all the information I could find. Its going to be one crazy summer, and not John Cusack style. Tonight I’m headed to NYC after work for tomorrow night’s Ricky Valente concert at Arlene’s Grocery, when I return I’ve got plenty of shows to write up:
- Friday May 22nd – The Blackstone for The Sex Slaves and For the Love of Sloane, then to The City Cafe for Kyle Nicholas, Jose Docen and Zig Zag
- Monday May 25th – Wonderbar for the B3 Kings and Butter (G. Love’s Boston based music project)
- Friday May 29th – Jerky’s for Eric French & Mr. Hyde and Fungus Amungus
- Thursday June 4th – Snookers for the final “Drop Out Night” featuring Big Jon Tierney and Kris Hansen
- Friday June 5th – The Blackstone for The Revival Preachers
So keep your eyes peeled for more write ups coming your way soon!