Friday June 5th I struggled to find accompaniment to the Blackstone. Fridays are usually tough, as I’ve stated previously, as everyone tends to be a little warn down from the workweek. Stopping by Zig Zag‘s apartment on the way I knew there was a fighting chance that I’d be able to twist either his or Bobby’s arm into tagging along. Bobby had to work in the morning, but after a few glasses of wine it didn’t take too much prodding to get Zig Zag to tag along, albeit much later than I like to head out. We parked across the street in the lot provided, with ample parking, and made it inside to catch Chris Fullerton finishing up his opening set before The Revival Preachers took the stage.
Chris Fullerton struck me as a full on, roots country, singer songwriter which struck me as odd, calling Boston his home. The song I caught seemed well written and had some good guitar bits, I’m not a huge fan of country but have certainly been exposed to my fair share. Mr Fullerton was doing a damn fine job, so much so that after his set I went in search of him to try to grab an EP for my mother, the biggest country music fan I know, certain she would enjoy it, to no avail. Chris thanked the crowded house, The Blackstone, and the Revival Preachers for the opportunity to play, and handed the stage over to the headliners. Lead by Jay Berndt on acoustic guitar and vocals the remaining Preachers were comprised of Damian Puerini on electric guitar, Rob Gare on electric bass, and Shaun Chevalier on drums. Their first number “Sweet Talkin’ Angel” showcased a bit of raucous country rock:
06.05.09 The Revival Preachers “Sweet Talkin’ Angel”
Apparently it had been a while since the Revival Preachers had played out and The Blackstone was mighty crowded for their return to stage. Berndt’s vocal style lent mostly to the country moniker I’ve applied, but there was plenty of good old honky tonk southern rock in the music of the song. Rob was bounding up and down the bass neck while providing backing vocals, Damian was quick on the twangy lead guitar lending backing vocals as well, Shaun pounded the drums with fury while Jay howled at the microphone and strummed acoustic rhythm while swaying back and forth. Their showmanship and tight musical delivery started fast and it hooked the crowd from the get go. The band called for some sound adjustments, and had to wait quite a bit before tearing into their next number. They started with a riff reminiscent to me of Chuck Berry and broke into a fast paced rocking jam I’d guess was called “Big Ol’ 427:”
06.05.09 Revival Preachers “Big Ol’ 427”
This time around they seemed a lot less country and a lot more early rock and roll. Zig Zag a drummer himself prompted me to come around the side to catch a few good shots of Shaun’s impressive drum work. Damian was tearing it up the whole song on guitar while Shaun looked like he was having the best time of his life on the drums. I think they announced the next song as “Different Things:”
06.05.09 Revival Preachers “Different Things”
Rob was supplying a bouncy bass line while Jay belted out the lyrics. I immediately was reminded of Creedence Clearwater Revival, the whole crowd was into it. I believe it was after this song that Jay Berndt had to call for Marilyn, the sound woman for adjustments again. Unfortunately a common theme at The Blackstone. Breaking into another number that evoked a country feeling in me they performed “The Ghost of Hank Williams:”
06.05.09 Revival Preachers “Ghost of Hank Williams”
Obviously one of their more well known songs and a crowd favorite, the beginning guitar riff alone prompted some hootin’ and hollerin’ from their fans. It was a great country bluesy number and even prompted my singing along during the choruses. Breaking into a new cover they had worked out, Jay commented that his wife would be really excited as they played “Rocks Off” by the Rolling Stones:
06.05.09 Revival Preachers “Rocks Off” Rolling Stones Cover

Zig Zag and I
After the song Zig Zag and I went out back to have a cigarette and got into some conversations, I missed the next original number they performed and kicked myself as I was outside gabbing and smoking as they broke into an awesome cover of The Beatles “I Want You (She’s So Heavy).” Sound traveling tremendously well I could hear it and sang along from outside, it was around now that Zig Zag reminded me that he had work in the morning, and I thought if the family commitment’s I had as well for Saturday and started to say our goodbyes. The Revival Preachers were taking a set break before their second and final set of the night, so it worked to be a perfect timing, I thanked the performers and asked around again if there were any CDs to be purchased, but Chris Fullerton had left the premises and The Revival Preachers didn’t have any on hand. Chris Fullerton will be appearing at the Out of the Blue art gallery in Cambridge MA on July 31st, and The Revival Preachers will be rocking the stage at The Blackstone once again on August 8th. If you are in the Massachusetts or Rhode Island areas and like a bit of country and a lot of rock, you will totally enjoy both these acts, give a listen to the crisp studio tracks the have posted on myspace!